Car Filters and why you need to change them


Make your car run like a winner by knowing behind-the-wheel lessons. A car engine does not work well without proper and clean air, oil and fuel facilities. Therefore, never ignore car filters; they are the most important part of efficient cars. Car filters help you keep your favourite car away from contaminants that cause clogging, causing problems, and affecting car performance.

The Cars have four main filters: Air filter, Cabin filter, Oil filter, and fuel filter. It is very important to know how these filters work and why it is important to change them in time. This can easily prevent overtime mechanical problems that can be caused by dirty filters. Let’s take a closer look at each type of filter and understand how it works and how to replace it to prevent further damage.

1. Air Filter:

Car Air filters are very simple materials that help clean the air and prevent any kind of pest or debris from reaching the engine and providing oxygen to the car so that it can heat up to perform combustion and fuel support for efficient operation, such as oxygen in humans. It helps the engine to run smoothly and maintain fuel efficiency in cars.

Car air filters are available in a variety of shapes like panels, cylindrical or circular. They are usually made of woven materials of cotton, synthetic paper, or foam. They are changed every year to save fuel, avoid dark smoke, and improve car performance. Replacement and cleaning of air filters can be done easily by pulling the filter out of the black box (Air collection box) next to the engine. Cleaning can be done by using an air pipe to blow out debris or we can replace it with a new one.

2. Cabin Filter:

These filters are part of the ventilation system that cleans the air inside the car which comes through heating and air conditioning systems. They also prevent clogging of the AC system from dust, pollen, etc. It is important to have fresh air in your car to avoid any kind of allergies or respiratory problems. They need to be changed every year if you live in a low-pollution area. They should be replaced to avoid safety and visibility issues, increase the life cycle of A/C heating systems and breathe fresh air. They are located under the hood, behind the glove compartment, or under the dash. These are slightly more difficult to replace than the air filters.

3. Oil Filter:

Oil helps to lubricate engine parts to avoid overheating and premature aging. Oil filters are used to protect the oil from dirt and grime while the engine is running. They maintain clean and continuous oil flow. They need a change to reduce engine wear and avoid new oil pollution. The oil filter must be replaced with each oil change at 10K km for petrol and 15K km for a diesel-based car. It helps to keep the engine cool and as functionally effortless as possible.    

4. Fuel Filter:

They remove pollutants such as dust, rust, and grit from the fuel. It is very important for the longevity of the car engine and the protection of fuel injectors. These are located inside the car’s gas tank so it can be difficult to change them on your own. It is changed every two years or every 48K km. They need a change to keep the engine running and to keep the car parts in good condition for longer periods.

These filters are essential for the proper functioning and comfort of your car so that you can drive safely and not worry. Don’t ignore them and make sure they are rolled up with regular car maintenance. So, to keep your car running smoothly, focus on this background information about car filter types as they are the basic requirements of a car.

Car Filters

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